3rd Annual Let's Talk IBD Health & Wellness Symposium

The Exploring Health Equity Beyond IBD Diagnosis Lunch and Learn Series seeks to address significant health disparities and inequities prevalent within the underserved African American IBD communities and other marginalized populations in the South Pinellas County, Florida metropolitan statistical area. Particularly, the specific zip codes of 33711, 33712, and 33705 have been identified as areas with a lack of access to quality healthcare, educational resources, outreach programs, and patient navigation services for individuals with Inflammatory Bowel Disease.

The program features a variety of sessions, each lasting approximately one hour, and covers the following topics:

Emotional Wellness & Coping with IBD:In this session, participants will learn about emotional wellness and strategies to cope with the mental health issues and psychological impact of IBD diagnosis.

Understanding IBD:This session focuses on building knowledge and understanding of IBD, including the signs and symptoms, risk factors, and treatment options.

Managing Your Diet & IBD:During this session we will discuss how taking care of your diet is essential with IBD and provide strategies for managing IBD symptoms through dietary modifications.

Bridging the Gap: During this session we’ll cover the following topics:

How to advocate for yourself and get the help you need
Understanding health equity and why it’s important
What health disparities are and how they affect people

Attendees will be provided with the IBD Patient Checklist a simplistic tool created to assist IBD Patients at their doctors appointment. Each session will be facilitated by a community partner or healthcare professional with extensive knowledge and experience in Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Nutrition and Diet, and Health Equity.

If you would like to donate to our Exploring Health Equity Beyond IBD Diagnosis Lunch & Learn Series program click here.


The Stephanie A. Wynn Foundation is registered with the State of Florida under the Solicitation of Contributions Act. The Registration Number is CH70878.  The Stephanie A. Wynn Foundation is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization of the Internal Revenue Code, Federal ID #86-2369958. Contributions are tax deductible to the full extent of the law.